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California Lawyers Association Publishes Simpson Thacher Antitrust Article


Litigation Partner Buzz Frahn and Associates Michael Morey and Loren Shokes co-wrote an article published on the California Lawyers Association’s website. The article, titled “The Northern District Of California Enjoins The NCAA From Capping The Amount Of Education-Related Compensation That Student-Athletes Can Receive,” discusses a class action lawsuit brought by current and former NCAA Division 1 basketball and FBS football players against the NCAA and eleven of its member conferences to challenge the NCAA’s rules capping the compensation student-athletes can receive for their athletic services. Judge Claudia Wilken held that the NCAA’s compensation system had considerable anticompetitive effects, that the procompetitive effects of the NCAA’s rules were insufficient to justify this cap on student-athlete compensation, and that a less restrictive alternative existed to achieve the procompetitive effects of the rules.

To read the article, please click here.