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Seventh Edition of The Cartels and Leniency Review Released


Litigation Partner John Terzaken is the Co-Editor of The Cartels and Leniency Review. The seventh edition, now available online, is a primer and reference on cartel enforcement regimes of the world’s principal competition authorities. The book brings together leading competition lawyers from 28 jurisdictions to address an issue of growing importance to large corporations, their managers and their lawyers: the potential liability, both civil and criminal, that may arise from unlawful agreements with competitors as to price, markets or output. John co-authored the United States chapter, which provides guidance on the investigatory and litigation procedures in the U.S., the scope of its leniency programmes, and considerations relevant to sentencing.

To read the Editors’ Preface, Introduction and United States chapter, please click here.

The full edition is also available through the publisher’s website and can be obtained here.