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The Sweeping Whistleblower Provisions Tucked Inside Dodd-Frank: Why And How Companies Should Prepare For a New Era of Corporate Whistleblowing

In announcing their blockbuster $750 million settlement with GlaxoSmithKline last month, federal officials described the case as proof that the Department of Justice is committed to cracking down on health care fraud.   What the official announcement left out was that the investigation into drug safety concerns at Glaxo began more than six years ago not with a subpoena or a customer who fell ill, but when a former Glaxo employee blew the whistle on quality control problems at a Glaxo plant.  In return for that information, the former employee will receive $100 million from the government — the largest whistleblower award ever paid in this country. But the record set by the Glaxo award might not last long.