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Peter Guryan Moderates Panel on Serial Acquisitions at GCR Live: Law Leaders Global


Peter Guryan, Global Co-Chair of the Firm’s Antitrust and Trade Regulation Practice, moderated a panel as part of Global Competition Review’s GCR Live: Law Leaders Global conference on January 31 in Miami Beach. The panel, titled “Mergers: Trend towards consolidation and serial acquisitions: when are many acquisitions too many?”, discussed whether factors such as serial acquisitions and the recent trend toward consolidation should be added to standard antitrust analyses, the legal and economic challenges that exist in pursuing those analyses, and the current state of the enforcement landscape, given recent litigation and guidance from the U.S. antitrust agencies.

GCR Live: Law Leaders Global brings together enforcers, in-house counsel, private practitioners, academics and economists to discuss the challenges facing antitrust practitioners today.

For more information on the conference, please click here.