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John Terzaken Quoted in Law360, GCR and National Law Journal on Global Cartel Enforcement Trends


John Terzaken, Global Co-Chair of the Firm’s Antitrust and Trade Regulation Practice, was quoted in articles published by Law360, Global Competition Review (GCR) and National Law Journal discussing global antitrust cartel trends and activity as highlighted in Simpson Thacher’s “2023 Global Cartel Forecast.” In the Law360 article, John explained that the recent trend of a decline in fines is likely due to the larger global trend of enforcers prioritizing domestic enforcement. He also noted that the decrease in U.S. leniency application numbers likely aligns with global trends, and that U.S. enforcers are shifting cartel gears, pointing to a greater emphasis on self-correcting behavior by leniency applicants and efforts to drum up more cases. In GCR, John explained how lower fines don’t necessarily mean less enforcement, noting that, “It depends on how enforcers view what may drive greater deterrence – being more active or achieving more significant results. Enforcers typically seek to accomplish a combination of both.”

To read the full Law360 article, please click here.

To read the full Global Competition Review article, please click here.

To read the National Law Journal article, please click here.