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Rajib Chanda Quoted in FundFire on Increasing Number of Alts Products in 2022
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Corporate Partner Rajib Chanda was quoted in a FundFire article titled, “Bain, BlackRock, Nuveen, Oaktree Prep New BDCs for Advisor Market.” The article explored the increasing number of new alts products built for the advisor marketplace in 2022. Rajib noted how the pace is continuing, saying, “It feels like we’re on the hockey stick part of the growth curve…it’s certainly the case that many more sponsors are contemplating accessing retail structures than has historically been the case.” He further explained how greater familiarity among fund managers around these types of vehicles has been a factor in the continuing product development activity. “Now you have more intermediaries and fund accountants and administrators that know how to handle the day-to-day operations. That lowers the barriers to entry,” he said.
To read the full article, please click here (subscription required).