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Simpson Thacher Lawyers Featured in Law360 Article Highlighting Attorneys on the Front Line of Election Protection
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Counsel John Bennett and Associate Jane Pennebaker were featured in a Law360 article titled, “From The Front Lines: The Attorneys Protecting This Election,” which highlighted attorneys who were volunteering as poll workers and staffing voting hotlines. The article included a video of Jane answering a call from a Texas voter as part of Simpson Thacher’s virtual call center for Election Protection, the nation's largest non-partisan voter protection coalition. When discussing how the coronavirus has impacted voting efforts in Texas, John noted, “The emergency absentee ballot has been a big issue in Texas. There are a number of people with COVID trying to track down doctors who are able to sign this for them before the election so they can get this in. Because folks who got sick last week can't go out and vote.”
With more than 600 volunteer and captain shifts, Simpson Thacher was responsible for staffing hotlines covering Florida, Georgia and Texas on November 2nd and 3rd.
To read the full article, please click here (subscription required).