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Jason Herman Quoted in Private Equity Law Report on Managing MNPI Risks


Funds Partner Jason Herman was interviewed for an article from Private Equity Law Report titled, “Simultaneous Management of PE and Private Credit Funds: Use of Walls and Other Tactics to Manage MNPI Risks (Part One of Two).” The article shared ways fund managers simultaneously operating PE and private credit funds can avoid risks surrounding managing those funds in parallel, including identifying measures that could potentially curb the internal spread of material nonpublic information (MNPI). When discussing how fund managers should evaluate whether to have information barriers in place, Jason said, “If a firm wants to truly reap the benefit of all the synergies associated with ideas from both sides of the business, then they would not want a wall in place.” He further noted that firms without walls can lean on other preventative measures to limit their MNPI risks.

To read the full article, please click here (subscription required).