Todd Crider Speaks at 2018 Conference for Pro Bono Practice in The Americas in Mexico City
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Corporate Partner Todd Crider spoke at the 2018 Conference for Pro Bono Practice in The Americas on March 12 in Mexico City. The conference, organized by the Cyrus Vance Center for International Justice and the Pro Bono Network of the Americas, brought together leading lawyers from Latin America and the United States to analyze the challenges and responses arising from the evolving political climate in the Americas. Todd delivered opening remarks at the conference and moderated a panel, “Setting the Stage: Uniting the Private and Public Law Sectors to Promote the Rule of Law in the Americas.” The conference had 180 registered participants from across the hemisphere and addressed involvement of lawyers in private practice in pro bono work across a range of areas including immigrant rights, business and human rights, LGBTQI rights and marriage equality, disaster response, anti-corruption, public-private cooperation for public interest and strengthening civil society.
For more information on the conference, please click here.