Whytne Brooks Moderates Panel at NYC Bar
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Litigation associate Whytne Brooks moderated a panel entitled “The Unspoken Rules of Success in the Legal Profession: What Your Career Services Office May Not Tell You” at the New York City Bar Association on December 5. The panel discussed issues that are not often discussed with law students, but that could be critical to the success of an attorney in the legal profession. Judy Bartlett (Vice-President and Associate General Counsel, New York Life Insurance Company), Dennis Hopkins (Partner, Perkins Coie and Board Member, Practicing Attorneys for Law Students, Inc.), Rhonda Joy McLean (Author and Deputy General Counsel, Time Inc.), and Ululy Martinez (Director of Government and Business, Cablevision), were the speakers. The event was sponsored by the New York City Bar’s Committee on Minorities in the Profession; and was co-sponsored by the Asian American Bar Association of New York, the Association of Black Women Attorneys, the Hispanic National Bar Association and the Metropolitan Black Bar Association.