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Jason Herman Co-Chairs and Speaks and Risë Norman Speaks at the New York City Bar Association's "Private Equity Structuring: The Basics" Program


On September 14, 2012, corporate partner Jason Herman co-chaired and spoke and corporate partner Risë Norman spoke at the New York City Bar Association's "Private Equity Structuring: The Basics" program.  Mr. Herman spoke on the panel entitled "The Basics of Private Equity Structuring" that covered several topics including how to set up a private equity fund for clients; where to form it; how it should be structured; how the documents work; the basic economic structure; the marketing process and considerations; selected securities law issues; and other selected developments and regulatory considerations.  Ms. Norman spoke on the panel entitled “M&A and Liquidity Events for Private Equity Firms and Their Portfolio Companies” that discussed differences in deal terms with financial vs. strategic buyers and sellers; due diligence; real estate matters; liquidity events; controlling interests in investments; purchases through a Section 363 bankruptcy sale; and key M&A strategies and how they work.