California Supreme Court Upholds Rights of Undocumented Immigrant Students
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Last week, the California Supreme Court upheld the statute providing that undocumented immigrant students are entitled to in-state tuition breaks when attending public colleges and universities. Under the statute, any student in California who attended high school for at least three years and graduated, regardless of immigration status, qualifies for in-state tuition at the state's colleges and universities. Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP filed a pro bono amicus brief in this case with LatinoJustice PRLDEF, which, according to LatinoJustice, “was critical in securing educational opportunities for all members of our community.” The team consisted of Palo Alto lawyers Alexis Coll-Very, George Morris and Deanne Cevasco.
For a detailed description of the Firm’s pro bono work on this matter, see the January 2010 Pro Bono Newsletter by clicking here.