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Robert H. Smit to Speak at the New York City Bar Association's "Obtaining Testimony and Documents from Non-Parties in Arbitration: A Practice Minefield" Program


Simpson Thacher litigation partner Robert H. Smit will speak at the New York City Bar Association's "Obtaining Testimony and Documents from Non-Parties in Arbitration: A Practice Minefield" program on April 28, 2010. The panel will explore the developing and conflicting law and practice regarding obtaining testimony and documents from non-parties in arbitration, and discuss strategies for obtaining, enforcing, and resisting arbitral subpoenas to non-parties. The program will focus both on arbitrators’ approach to and the parties/counsel’s strategies with respect to arbitral subpoenas of non-parties and will explore differences in domestic and international practice with respect to arbitral subpoenas. For more on this program, please click here.