Natalia Martín Moderates New York City Bar Panel
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Simpson Thacher's Director of Diversity Natalia Martín moderated a panel entitled "Perspectives of Minority Female Judges and Litigators" at the New York City Bar Association on October 22. The speakers were the Honorable Wilda Guzman, Supreme Court Justice; the Honorable Debra A. James, Supreme Court Justice, the Honorable Verna L. Saunders, New York City Civil Court, Housing Part; Karla G. Sanchez, Partner, Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP; and Erika McDaniel Edwards, Partner, Donaldson, Chilliest & McDaniel LLP. The panelists discussed how their gender and race or ethnicity have impacted their careers, and how women of color can continue to make strides in the legal profession. The program was sponsored by the New York City Bar Association's Committee on Minorities in the Courts, which is chaired by Simpson Thacher associate Juan A. Arteaga.