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David Blass Quoted in FT, WSJ, Reuters and Law360 on Fifth Circuit Decision Vacating the SEC’s Private Fund Adviser Rules


Partner David Blass was quoted in articles by the Financial Times, Wall Street Journal Pro Private Equity, Reuters and Law360, which discussed the recent Fifth Circuit decision to vacate the SEC’s private fund adviser rules. David told Financial Times that the Fifth Circuit opinion requiring specific links to fraud prevention raised questions about the SEC’s ability to push forward new rules for investment funds on safeguarding assets, outsourcing and the use of predictive analytics. He went on to note to the Wall Street Journal that the ruling “is a lesson to the agency that when it cites aggressive authority to impose a substantial, far-reaching rule, it needs to do so cautiously and with a robust record.”

To read the Financial Times article, please click here (subscription required).

To read the Wall Street Journal Pro Private Equity article, please click here (subscription required).

To read the Reuters article, please click here.

To read the Law360 article, please click here (subscription required).