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Rajib Chanda Co-Authors Article on Widening Retail Investor Access to Private Markets Strategies


Partner Rajib Chanda co-authored an article published by Law360 titled, “Main Street Gained Valuable Access To Private Markets In 2019.” The article discusses the developments towards the widening of access to private markets strategies for retail investors, including recent moves by traditional fund sponsors into the retail space as well as a trend towards regulated funds launching private markets strategies. The article also discusses a new concept release from the SEC that proposed a reconsideration of securities regulation that could potentially enable the use of pooled investment vehicles to increase retail investor access to private companies. The authors argue that these developments may be catalysts towards the democratization of the investment landscape, by leveling the playing field for retail investors via the creation of opportunities for retail investors to more easily access private markets.

To read this article, please click here (subscription required).